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Health and Safety Teams Survey
Health and Safety Team Benchmarking
LJM Group is conducting a study of the structure, size and purpose of health and safety teams using this survey tool.
To thank you for your participation, we will give you the summary report and comparisons (all company names will be hidden). Please provide your email address at the bottom of the survey.
What is the name of your business / organisation?
What is approximate size of your workforce (number of full time equivalent employees)?
Approximately how many sites does your organisation operate (excluding in public space)?
Approximately how many employees work in health and safety in
corporate / head office
roles (full time equivalent)?
Approximately how many employees work in health and safety roles reporting to
business units / operations / projects
(full time equivalent)?
Where is your organisation's work conducted? Tick any that apply.
On our sites / facilities / projects
On client sites / facilities / projects / homes
Travel between locations
On transport corridors (e.g. via road, rail, sea or air)
In the public space (e.g. on or near roads, parks, public buildings)
In our employee's homes
In emergency / crisis / combat situations
In your organisation, to what extent
o operations own health and safety
Please select...
1 - health and safety are entirely managed and led by the health and safety team
2 - health and safety are mostly managed and led by the health and safety team
3 - health and safety are managed and led by both operations and the health and safety team
4 - health and safety are mostly managed and led by operational managers and workers
5 - health and safety are entirely managed and led by operational managers and workers
To what extent does your organisation use contractors?
Please select...
1 - all work with significant risks is performed by direct employees
2 - most work with significant risks is performed by direct employees
3 - work with significant risks is performed by a mix of employees and contractors
4 - most work with significant risks is performed by contractors
5 - all work with significant risks is performed by contractors
Which roles are included in your organisation's health and safety function? Click any that apply
Business Risk
Physical security
Mental health / wellness
Community / stakeholder engagement
Crisis management
Emergency management
Process safety
Business continuity
Overall, how would you rate the health and safety risks your business needs to manage?
Please select...
1 - very low risk / low hazard industry
2 - low risk / low hazard industry
3 - medium risk / medium hazard industry
4 - high risk / high hazard industry
5 - very high risk / high hazard industry
Overall, how would you rate your organisation's health and safety performance
Please select...
Much worse than similar organisations
Slightly worse than similar organisations
About the same as similar organisations
Slightly better than similar organisations
Much better than similar organisations
Prefer not to answer
Overall, how would you rate your organisation's health and safety culture?
Please select...
Pathological - who cares as long as we're not caught
Reactive - we do a lot every time we have an incident
Calculative - we have systems in place to manage health and safety
Proactive - safety leadership drives continuous improvement
Generative - health and safety is how we do business
Prefer not to answer
The following questions are optional
What is the purpose of your health and safety team?
If other functions are included in your health and safety organisation, please note them here. For example, environment, quality, reliability or security.
Have you quantified the value of investment in health and safety? If so, how?
Have you outsourced any of the following health and safety functions?
A mix
Developing health and safety management systems
Providing digital and software systems for health and safety
Providing health and safety induction and onboarding
Providing health and safety training
Injury management, rehabilitation and return to work
Audit and assurance
Health and safety coaching and advice for managers
If your organisation has outsourced other health and safety functions, please note them here
Is your business self-insured?
Please select...
Don't know
Where does your HSE function team report?
HR/People Function
Risk Function
On average, in what mode do HSE professionals spend their time?
If you would like a summary of the results of this survey, please enter your work email address here
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