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Current State

A Current State Analysis (CSA) provides a powerful insight into an organisation’s safety leadership, systems and culture. 

A journey of safety improvement begins with a clear picture of where you are today.  To achieve this, LJM Group uses its Current State Analysis (CSA) process to hold up a mirror for leadership.  The process recognises an organisation’s strengths and identifies key barriers to improving health and safety culture and performance.  A CSA gives honest feedback on safety leadership, systems and practices to provide the basis for developing a strategic plan for improvement.

An independent, expert assessment

The Current State Analysis (CSA) is one of LJM’s core products and has been used in many leading companies across a range of industries to:

  • Engage people across the organisation by allowing them to give open and honest feedback
  • Assess the effectiveness of health and safety systems to support active risk management
  • Identify the impact of leadership on people and culture
  • Provide a benchmark to measure progress
  • Identify key recommendations to drive improvement

Systems, Symbols and Behaviours

To examine safety practices and culture, LJM considers an organisation’s systems, symbols and behaviours by:

  • Conducting interviews and focus groups to gather feedback from a cross section of people in all levels and functions
  • Visiting the workplace to observe work and discuss safety with people at work to see how risks are understood and managed
  • Understanding key standards, processes, systems and structure to understand their effectiveness

A robust core process

Examine the key elements of safety culture

Review standards, process and structure

Core review questions and benchmarks

Customised for each client

Recognise industry, company and local context

Assess recent programs and changes

Target specific focus areas

True insight

A CSA offers much more than a typical safety culture survey.  A survey provides a pulse check of current perceptions of safety climate.  In contrast, a CSA is a full medical that involves a thorough analysis of the health of your safety culture.

LJM’s face-to-face focus groups and interviews help to gather data with real depth, rather than the ‘tick and flick’ approach of some surveys.  At the same time, LJM gathers statistically significant quantitative results that can be compared across levels and groups.  LJM’s process explores issues in detail and gathers the depth of information that allows leadership to fully appreciate challenges and their underlying drivers.

“Our upper management have taken a more active interest in what’s going on, trying to lead by example”

“There’s not enough actual reinforcing and verification of procedures; it all lives in the system”

Benchmark Data Comparison

Industry benchmarks

LJM benchmarks the data against its reviews with organisations across Australasia, including over 100 company-wide CSAs and hundreds of site-level reviews and snapshots.  The comparison gives a sense of relative strengths and areas of weakness compared to industry peers.

A path forward for your business

No two companies are alike, so each CSA report is unique.  LJM Group’s team works together to identify the specific actions that will drive the biggest improvement.

LJM identifies the organisation’s position on the ‘safety journey’, recognising progress made and the next steps required.

LJMs supports client leaders to develop a strategic plan linked to the organisation’s specific culture, issues and challenges.

Safety Culture Ladder
Data Comparison Years

Tracking progress

The CSA provides a stake in the ground against which progress can be measured and tracked with hard data. 

Subsequent CSAs can help leadership to renew strategies and continue safety improvement

Take the next step to a Current State Analysis

Your organisation would benefit from a CSA if you:

  • Are developing a strategic plan to improve safety
  • Have hit a plateau in improving safety performance
  • Wish to test the effectiveness of programs and initiatives
  • Need your systems and processes to have more traction
  • Want to assess the due diligence of your organisation’s Officers
  • Are seeking to better integrate safety into your business
Smiling Interviewers