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Central Highlands Water: 2021 Safety & Health Culture Review Survey

Purpose of this survey:

  • To gain a current understanding of CHW's safety & health culture.
  • To gain an current understanding of participants’ attitudes, beliefs and values around safety and health.
  • To gain a current understanding of how well the systems and processes enable and are adopted by CHW's employees to manage safety and health.
  • To compare results with 2018 Culture assessment and measure improvements

What you'll need to do:

You'll be asked a series of questions where you'll need to answer with one of the following responses:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

In answering these questions think about your recent experiences working with CHW (over the past year or so).

Some questions may be open-ended for you to add extra details about your answers, filling in these fields is not compulsory.


All of your responses will be confidential. LJM compiles all responses and no information regarding your identity will be revealed to CHW.


Leadership & Supervision

Incident Management & Communication

Active Caring Behaviours - Resources & Priorities

Health Surveillance, fitness for work and injury/illness management

Psychological Safety



Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your input has already been captured


Click the 'submit' button below to complete the survey.